What does Destiny 2’s weasel mistake mean?
Here is a description of the issue and some potential solutions.
On PC and consoles, you can frequently see the Destiny 2 Weasel error, especially when a new expansion, raid, dungeon, or other prominent piece of content is released.
You’ll be kicked out of whatever you were doing and any Fireteams you were a part of whenever it hits you, and you’ll return to orbit alone.
Find out more about the Weasel mistake and how to fix it here.
How to Fix the Weasel Error Code in Destiny 2
The official Bungie Help support page describes weasel errors as “an all-encompassing error message that is typically an indicator that you are experiencing a general networking issue.” As previously stated, they are typically on your end (client-side), whether due to an unstable internet connection or other connection issues from your PC or console and the Destiny servers.
Weasel can also happen in the opposite direction, when the Destiny servers are having trouble connecting to a player device that is completely reliable.
Here are several methods for locating and resolving Weasel faults.
Check the Server Status
Usually, updates to the Weasel error rises are posted on the official Bungie Help Twitter Account within fifteen minutes of the error increasing.
You at least know you’re not alone, even if they don’t have a timetable for a remedy.
On their individual pages, you may also check the status of the servers hosting your device or service:
Check Your Connection
There are a few ways to ensure your connection is not the issue.
Run a speed test on speedtest.net and watch out for packet loss, inconsistent speeds, and other issues.
Restart your router.
Check for outages from your internet service provider.
There isn’t much you can do but wait for the issues to pass if you can confirm that the Weasels aren’t a problem on your end but Bungie or the larger community complains that it’s something they need to fix.
Although larger-scale outages may last into the afternoon and evening, depending on their severity, problems often get fixed in a couple of hours.
We wish there were more you could do in Destiny 2 to address Weasel issues, but since it’s an online game, your options are limited by Bungie’s servers, your platform’s services, or your own internet connection.
Visit our Destiny 2 guides hub for more guides on the game.